Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vive la Greve (a D100 practice run)

Today was Black Thursday in Paris-- the day of the strike! In Paris today, thousands of people marched the streets; they were either striking something, protesting something else, or joining in the rowdy fun. I had already experienced "la grève" (the strike) here in Paris when my roommates and I accidentally found ourselves marching along with University of Paris researchers and professors who were on strike. This was the first week of February. The same strike is still going on, and a handful of BC students here on a different program have had barely any classes in the past two months. Today's strike(s), though, were entirely different. 

This afternoon, I was actually about to take a nap when I convinced myself to take a peek at what was happening literally one block away from our apartment and enjoy the lovely Paris 60 degree springtime. After gawking for five minutes at the parade of countless different causes and groups, I ran back to my apartment to grab dad's camera. The following are some of the cool shots I got of la grève and of the city on my long walk. (I also had fun making some of them b&w-- artsy, I know.)

Across the street from our apartment: Chez Janou, a very very yummy, cute, pricey bistro

S.O.S. Racism

30,000 Deportations Each Year

"Civil disobedience is the enduring right of every citizen..." - Gandhi
"The school remains the only patrimony of the poor."

Place de la Bastille (where the Bastille once stood), background - Bastille Opera
-there is a tall fence around the Bastille monument that those people all climbed to get up there... after all that effort, they looked more like they were sunbathing to me than protesting anything.

Boulevard Henri IV

View of Pont Marie

Not sure what this building is, but it's next to Notre Dame

View of Hotel de Ville from Pont Notre Dame


  1. A two month spring break! Sweet! =) Keep the updates coming!

  2. These are awesome shots! I love the one with the yellow sign. I'm SO SAD I didn't come visit. I'm such a bum. You will need to take me back to Paris one day. Keep the updates and pictures coming. I love you!

  3. More pix! I demand more pix!

  4. I just figured out how to get email notifications when i get a blog comment! So now I will know :) yay! Keep commenting! i'm gonna update tonight
